Atos femtosecond laser

Atos kan utföra FS Lasik och Lenticule kirurgi (Smartsight). Tack vare sin höga kompetens inom tillverkning av Excimerlaser kan Schwind integrera nya funktioner inom FS-kirurgi.

En maskin flera möjligheter

Kombinationen av innovativ teknik och intelligent design ger en säker behandling av dina patienter. Med Atos kan du utföra både lenticule kirurgi och Femto LASIK.

Mer kunskap ifrån erfarenhet

Med Schwinds egenutvecklade aktiva 7D eye-tracker får du en unik precision. Den är kopplad till Schwinds diagnossystem och fångar all ögonrörelse, statisk såväl som dynamisk, under operationen för att ge dig ett enastående resultat.

Ytterligare detaljer

As flexible as the requirements – particularly in treatment of hyperopia and mixed astigmatism, the highly flexible SCHWIND ATOS can be used to create flaps of various diameters, including large flaps and large treatment zones.

The curved patient interface geometry gives an excellent fit with the eye. It has improved suction and is ready for use in just two steps. The innovative design with integral filter function eliminates the need for additional tubes and filters, and ensures optimum contact of the eye with the laser system. The shape follows the corneal limbus, and substantially reduces pressure on the eye during the contacting process. Active suction lasts only a little longer than the incision procedure itself. 

The SCHWIND ATOS uses the same patient interface for lenticule extraction with SmartSight and for making precise flaps in FemtoLASIK, giving it high flexibility. It all adds up to safety and comfort for the patient, and an efficient workflow for the surgeon.

The SCHWIND ATOS features trim dimensions and a small footprint. That makes this compact femtosecond laser highly flexible for use in refractive surgery. The monitor and keyboard are mounted on a swivelling arm that lets the user adjust the position to suit, and then fold them back against the body of the machine for easier repositioning in the clinic.

With its fast system check, the SCHWIND ATOS is ready for use within a short period of time. It can be used alone or in combination with a SCHWIND AMARIS family excimer laser.

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